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  • What is Dentist Anesthesiologist?
    Dental Anesthesiology is the specialty of dentistry devoted to managing pain, anxiety, and overall patient health during dental and oral, maxillofacial surgeries and procedures. The specialty works to promote and optimize patient safety as well as access to care for all dental patients, particularly the very young and patients with special health care needs. It is one of ten dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association. Dentist Anesthesiologists are trained in a formal, hospital-based residency program to deliver a full spectrum of anesthesia services to dental patients inside and outside of the operating room.
  • What is the significance of AAAHC Certification?
    Current Board Certification by the American Dental Board of Anesthesiology (ADBA) affirms that a dentist anesthesiologist trained in an accredited residency program and passed comprehensive oral and written examinations administered by the ADBA following training. Dentist anesthesiologists that meet these standards are awarded diplomate status in the ADBA. In addition to meeting training and educational standards, diplomates of the American Dental Board of Anesthesia commit themselves to completing 120 hours of continuing education during each 6-year renewal period. 
  • Does Indiana Office-Based Anesthesia provide routine dental services (cleanings, fillings, x-rays, etc..?"
    No. Our practice only provides anesthesia services. We work with dentists and dental specialists as a team, providing anesthesia while they provide dental treatment.
  • Where are your anesthesia services performed?
    We provide anesthesia in office environments that properly-equipped for safe anesthesia, also yet designed to meet the demands of dental treatment. Some patients can also be treated within the office of their dentist. Others are referred to a another office-setting, surgery center or hospital for their care.
  • Will insurance cover these services?
    Coverage varies widely among medical and dental insurance plans. We will help you to identify coverage, however the primary responsibility for payment rests with the patient. Our office will provide a detailed description of fees, payment terms, and insurance coverage prior to your procedure.
Useful Links


American Society of Dental Anesthesiologists(ASDA)

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Statement on Office-Based General Anesthesia for the Pediatric Dental Patient

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